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[KASBA][Call for Papers] The Global Research Session

[The Global Research Session]


Conference Title: E.S.G: A Road to Stakeholders Capitalism


Journal: Korea Business Review/ Rhizomatic Revolution Review(R3)

Special Issue Title: BTS & ARMY: A Road to SDGs and ESG

Conference Date: 16-18 August 2022

Session Date: 18, Thursday August 2022

Conference Place: Yeosu Convention Center, Yeosu, South Korea

Conference Form: Hybrid (virtual, online, or offline)

Presentation Type: Oral or Poster

Oral Presentation Time Limit: 15 minutes

Abstract Deadline: 30 June 2022 

Notification of Acceptance: 15 July 2022

Full Paper Deadline: 30 November 2022

Submission: Abstract should be submitted as a PDF attachment at the following link. [2022 KBR Conference Abstract Submission]


Participation: other BTS academies and research groups

Call for papers

As a special presidential envoy for future generations and culture, BTS visited the UN General Assembly’s 2nd sustainable development goals (SDGs) Moment held in New York in 2021, attracting the attention of many people worldwide. A global agenda unanimously resolved by 192 member states at the 70th UN General Assembly in 2015, SDGs provide 17 goals and 169 detailed directions for humankind in five areas (i.e., human, earth, prosperity, peace, and partnership) under the slogan “leave no one behind.” In the current COVID-19 pandemic, the implementation of the SDGs aiming for the universal well-being of mankind has become an essential task above all else. The message of BTS, representing the voice of the younger generation, plays a role in interpreting the direction of responses to changes in SDGs. Thus, this conference is looking for researchers, students, practitioners, academic members, policymakers, and decision-makers who are interested in the trends, issues, and impact of SDG development in the context of BTS and ARMY. We assume that BTS and ARMY’s participation in SDGs will stimulate the motivation of various stakeholders and provide new opportunities to the global market. As a result, this track will cover a variety of interest areas that address, explain, and detail actions toward the 17 SDGs that BTS and ARMY aim for from a multifaceted management perspective.


Meanwhile, among the various approaches to achieving the SDGs, environmental, social, and governance (ESG) has established itself as a lens that looks at a firm’s value. Businesses are increasingly required to address environmental challenges, meet societal standards, and develop suitable corporate governance. These shifts highlight the importance of ESG for academics and practitioners. In the entertainment industry, there are also claims that the MZ generation (millennials + Generation Z), who are sensitive to issues such as environment, race, and gender, have emerged as a major fan base of BTS and made this conscious movement possible. The tendency of ARMY to support environmental, racial, and gender issues and the attitude of HYBE to actively accept these needs of fans has had an impact not only on the entertainment industry but also on numerous companies regardless of industry. We should not consider this phenomenon to end with an interaction between a fandom and an idol. Instead, it must be understood, interpreted, and considered from the perspective of the core pillars that make up a firm (i.e., operation management, marketing, finance, accounting, management information systems, organizational behavior & human resource management, strategic management, and international business).


However, given the circumstances described above, the related discussion of SDGs and ESG is still underdeveloped. Multifarious but related topics require more research investigation in both theoretical and empirical settings. To further develop multifaceted approaches and to foster dialogue on BTS and ARMY, this conference track calls for paper abstracts (or research in progress) related but not limited to the following topics:


Research Areas: Operation management, marketing, finance and accounting, management information systems, organizational behavior & human resource management, strategic management, and international business explored through the lens of BTS and/or ARMY.

  • Examples:  
    • BTS/ARMY and SDGs  

o    ARMY response to BTS as models for sustainable companies/products (or impact on ARMY’s reception of such products)

o    BTS/HYBE appeal for sustainable-minded MZ generation

o    Growing global citizenship for sustainable development through the story of BTS and ARMY

o    BTS/ARMY and ESG

o    BTS and ARMY as global drivers for ESG performance

o    Reimagining a sustainable organization through BTS and ARMY

o    HYBE’s efforts to value intangible human assets as major evaluation in accounting 

o    BTS/ARMY and stakeholder approach

o    How are the central concepts of stakeholder theory applied by fandoms?

o    Does newer technology (NFT, virtual currency, AR/VR) incorporated by HYBE benefit stakeholders’ opportunity to consume better?

o    ARMY’s action/movement toward the public communication (or management) strategies of HYBE

o    HYBE’s strategies of merging companies overseas

Keywords: BTS, ARMY, sustainable development goals (SDGs), environmental social and governance (ESG), stakeholder theory, management

Abstract should consist of one page including the following information:

- Title

- Names, affiliations, and email addresses

- Abstract (200-300 words)

  • A concise description of the purpose of the research  
  • A brief introduction of your research design, methodology, or approach  
  • A description of your (expected) research findings  
  • A short summary of the originality/contribution of your research paper   

- Keywords


■ Abstract Submission

Abstracts can be submitted using this form. Please have the following available when you prepare to submit your abstract:
